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How Far Do the Flexible Skirting Boards Bend?Updated a month ago

When it comes to flexible skirting boards, the extent to which they can bend depends on several factors including the product's design, material, and intended application. Here's a breakdown of what you need to know about the bending capacity of flexible skirting boards:

1. Purpose-built Flexibility:

Our flexible skirting boards are specifically engineered to accommodate various curved surfaces, such as curved walls, alcoves, and arched door or window trims. They are designed to provide optimal flexibility for moulding around these unique architectural features.

2. Flexibility Variation:

While our flexible skirting boards excel in bending around curves, it's essential to note that the degree of flexibility may differ depending on the specific product. Each product within our flex range has its own radius of flex, indicating how far it can bend comfortably without compromising its structural integrity.

3. Length vs. Width Flexibility:

In general, our flexible skirting boards exhibit greater flexibility along their length compared to their width. This means they are more adept at bending horizontally along their longer edges rather than vertically across their shorter edges.

4. Product-specific Information:

For precise details on the bending capacity of our flexible skirting boards, we recommend referring to the product specifications or contacting our customer support team. Understanding the specific radius of flex for each product will help you determine its suitability for your project's curvature requirements.

5. Creating Curved Designs:

Beyond practical applications like skirting boards around architectural features, our flexible skirting boards offer creative possibilities for designing unique curved patterns and accents. Whether you're aiming for subtle curves or bold, sweeping arcs, our flexible skirting boards provide the versatility needed to bring your design visions to life.

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